Students are admitted to UKG & Std. XI. Applications for admission to UKG are ordinarily filled online two months prior to the commencement of the academic year. The dates for applying are announced every year through the school website. The academic year begins in the first week of April. Normally, casual vacancies in other Classes are filled in after the commencement of the academic year. However, no new admission will be given in Class IX, X and XII.
Application forms for admission to class XI are ordinarily filled immediately after the announcement of the CBSE class X results.
An affidavit stating the date of Birth should be submitted at the time of admission along with the date of birth certificate issued by the competent authority. No further change will be made once this date has been registered in the school records.
Selection of the candidates is done on the basis of a process approved by the governing body of the school. Any Pressure for admission by the offer of donation, letters of recommendation or influence of any nature will automatically disqualify the candidate for admission to any standard.
Admission to Class XI
The Senior School Certificate Course offered here is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, and is a two year Post Secondary School Course which has been recognized by all the Indian Universities as equivalent to the Intermediate College Examination. On completion of the course, the candidates are eligible to begin the three year degree course in the Universities.
Since admission to Class XI is designed to be SELECTIVE in the Government's Scheme of education, students of Class X must apply for admission to Class XI when applications are called for and appear for an Aptitude Test. Hence, High School studies in this school will not be a guarantee for admission to Higher Secondary (Plus Two) Course in this School.
Read MorePolicy of St. Xavier's Higher Secondary School
In the context of the unequal socio-economic condition in our country, and in the light of the evaluation of the educational work of the Society of Jesus all over the world by its own members, a new policy orientation has been introduced at St. Xavier's Higher Secondary School. Some of its features are the following:
We are a Catholic school committed to the service of faith in God and the promotion of justice for the poor. Therefore, our first concern is towards the Christians of West Champaran District and toward the children of the immediate local community who are able to meet the minimum academic requirements of this school. Finally, through a process of selection, admission will be granted to other children as well.
Course of Studies
The school prepares the students for the All India Secondary School (Class IX-X) and the Senior School Certificate Examinations (Class XI-XII) conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
Medium of Instruction
Medium of instruction for all classes will be English.
St. Xavier's Higher Secondary School, Bettiah is a Senior Secondary Catholic school, established in 1998 and administered by the members of the Society of Jesus, (Jesuit fathers) a group of men dedicated to God’s greater glory through the service of humanity.
Browse Facilities
We BelieveIn a Christian social ethic whereby justice is an absolute requirement.
We believe in a Christian social ethic whereby justice is an absolute requirement of faith in God as our Father and the acceptance of each other as brother and sisters in His sight.

We PledgeOurselves to impart to the students of this school a sense of their own worth and dignity
We are committed to impart to the students of this school a sense of their own worth and dignity and respect for the dignity and rights of others especially of those whose human rights and dignity are abused.

We wantOur students to be open to growth intellectually and committed to faith.
We want our students to be open to growth to become persons of competence, conscience, compassion and committed to faith and justice. We aim to develop in our students an inner directed sense of personal and corporate responsibility.